The news on Bitcoin easily is obtained from a number of websites - links will be provided. Generally "Obtaining Bitcoin" is not going to be updating the "news" section as Obtaining Bitcoin has a different purpose. That said, I'd like to review just a few facts known about Bitcoin and the emerging Blockchain industry.
Bitcoin began in 2009 and has been the leading fiat currency in rise in value in 2015, 2016 and 2017 - beating all other fiat currencies in the world.
Bitcoin is mined by computers and is therefore decentralized and not owned by any government - probably one reason it's value is rising in comparison to all government sponsored inflationary fiat.
Bitcoin is the foundation of the disruptive blockchain technology that will be bringing new business models into existence. Worldwide use is exploding.
Bitcoin is being called "digital gold" on MSM outlets like CNBC - and rich people are being advised to use it as a hedge.